RegenAI Code of Conduct

Last updated: July 23, 2024

In a Nutshell

Be respectful of other people's boundaries, identities, and emotional experiences; respectfully ask people to stop if you are bothered; and if you can't resolve an issue, contact the organizers. If you are being a problem, it will be apparent and you'll be asked to leave.


RegenAI is in service of building a positive community that recognizes and celebrates the creativity and collaboration of independent members and the diversity of skills, talents, experiences, cultures, and opinions that they bring into our space.

RegenAI is an inclusive environment, based on treating all individuals respectfully, regardless of gender identity, sexual orientation, age, disability, nationality, ethnicity, religion, education or career path.

We value respectful behavior above individual opinions. This should be extended to hotel staff in addition to the RegenAI community.

Respectful behavior includes:

  • Be considerate, kind, constructive, and helpful.
  • Avoid demeaning, discriminatory, harassing, hateful, or physically threatening behavior, speech, and imagery.
  • If you're not sure, ask someone instead of assuming.

Space for Big Feelings

One way we respect ourselves and each other is to create and hold space for the feelings that come up when we are gathered in community. We are engaging with large, existential challenges that are charged with intense emotional energy for many people. If you notice these emotions surfacing in yourself or others around you, we encourage you to not suppress them and default to the conceptual and cerebral, but rather express them to the group in whatever way feels authentic to you. We will only grow as individuals and communities by acknowledging and processing our emotional, somatic, and internal experiences. We are not here to judge each other or quickly rationalize our way through grief and fear to a solution. We are here to listen, build, and integrate a holistic approach to our collective and global health. This means we must all show up as honestly as we can.

Resolve Peacefully

We believe peer to peer discussions, feedback, and corrections can help build a stronger, safer, and more welcoming community.

If you see someone behaving disrespectfully, you are encouraged to respectfully discourage them from such behavior and, if you are able, engage them in understanding the reason for their behavior. Expect that others in the community wish to help keep the community respectful, and welcome your input in doing so.

If you experience disrespectful behavior and feel in any way unable to respond or resolve it respectfully (for any reason), please immediately bring it to the attention of an organizer. We want to hear from you about anything that you feel is disrespectful, threatening, or just icky in any way. We will listen and work to resolve the matter.


This Code of Conduct extends to all interaction in RegenAI's online properties. In addition to civil and respectful behavior when interacting in our digital spaces we expect you to avoid the following:

  • Impersonating someone else
  • Posting content to which you do not have the rights
  • Posting private information in public spaces

If you see any online harassment, trolling, or other questionable behavior taking place in the RegenAI spaces, please report it immediately to

Illness Policy

If you're feeling at all ill, for your sake and those attending the summit, please stay home and take care of yourself. If you're not ill, but concerned about exposure to others, we'll have face masks and sanitizer available. If you've tested positive for Covid or have other symptoms that might indicate that you're contagious but have purchased a ticket, please reach out to

Apologize for Mistakes

Should you catch yourself behaving disrespectfully, or be confronted as such, own up to your words and actions, and apologize accordingly. No one is perfect, and even well-intentioned people make mistakes. What matters is how you handle them and that you avoid repeating them in the future.


RegenAI is a safe space for people to come together and engage in an environment of openness and trust. It is imperative that we preserve this. If you are attending RegenAI as a member of the Press you must abide by the following:

  • Everything is OFF THE RECORD unless you explicitly specify that a particular conversation or activity is on the record and you have received written consent from every person mentioned or pictured.
  • A written release form must be signed by the subjects in any photos taken to be used for press purposes.


If the organizers determine that an event participant is behaving disrespectfully, the organizers may take any action they deem appropriate, up to and including expulsion and exclusion from the event without warning or refund.

As organizers, we will seek to resolve conflicts peacefully and in a manner that is positive for the community. We can't foresee every situation, and thus if in the organizers' judgment the best thing to do is to ask a disrespectful individual to leave, we will do so. We don't like playing bad cop so please don't put us in this position.


Thank you to every RegenAI community member for helping to make RegenAI the respectful, inclusive, and regenerative community that it is.